Saturday, February 19, 2011

Random Amusements

The first ever comic that made it to my book cupboard was called The Far Side by Gary Larson. I think I was 18 years old at that time and I thought the guy who gave it to me had a wicked [read weird] sense of humour. At that age, I was more into cheesy romance novels and surrealism and non-sequitur works did not appeal to me.

Then of course I got learned.

And so today I was randomly surfing the net and I came across this blog by Grant Snider and instantly I fell in love with his work. It's hilarious!

For example this one:

Love it!

Then a humorous take on my favourite place in the world- The library:

Just check out the top right hand corner that says "Sexy Werewolf Novels" and "Sexy Vampire Novels". And I also love "Harry Potter's Room" under the stairs. lol.

Did I mention he's in Dentistry? Yeah I guess that comes close to being a Doctor. -laughs- And I dig doctors... partly because I was intending to be one but I decided not to after my GCE-A levels. Yeah, I love science and stuff... but I love reading and writing so much more. And by writing, I do not mean writing answers that demand a right or wrong answer. I like writing to prove a point and knowing at the end of the day my reader doesn't have to agree with what I say.

So I settled for [some humanities and social science] discipline. Hehehe. And I love it!

Okay I'm off to read more of his comics *poof*

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